The U.S. Legal System
and All Things Related Blog

With Enough People, Power, and Persistence,
the System Will Improve

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The U.S. Supreme Court is Rotten to the Core


We have a judicial enterprise that rules over us with absolutely no one ruling over them.  It was recently reported by the New York Times that Justice Samuel Alito had an upside-down American flag hung outside his home in mid-January 2021, a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” campaign to overturn the 2020 election results.  Alito passed the buck to his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, for flying the flag in response to neighbors whose yard signs she found offensive toward President Trump.  But under the Code of Judicial Conduct, it does not matter whether it was Justice Alito or his wife who flew the flag on his property so long as he knew it was being flown and did nothing to stop it.

How to Force Judges to Follow Their Own Rules and the Law


After years of lawyer-criminals and lawyer-in-black-gown-criminals committing crimes against me, I partnered with Sara Naheedy—an exceptional lawyer and an even better person—to launch my first book, Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor.  Although it is the best protective guide for people who have been and have yet to be abused by the off-the-rails corrupt US legal system, it does not offer tactics that will force judges to follow their own rules of court, the judicial canons, the law, and the U.S. Constitution.  This post is a guerilla warfare 101 primer about exactly how to do just that.

Crime Is Running Amok in the U.S. Legal System


I often tell people who think they know how corrupt our legal system is that they really have no clue just how off-the-rails corrupt it really is.  I tell them to imagine how possibly corrupt they think it could be, and once they have that thought in their head, multiply it by three, and that’s how corrupt the world’s largest crime syndicate truly is.

Supreme Court to Rule on How Far Cities Can Go to Clear Homeless Camps


In April, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a major case that could reshape how cities manage homelessness.  The legal issue is whether they can fine or arrest people for sleeping outside if there's no shelter available.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has deemed this cruel and unusual punishment, and this case is a pivotal challenge to that ruling.  The Supreme Court declined to take up a similar case in 2019.  But since then, homelessness rates have dramatically increased.  Street encampments have grown larger and have expanded to new places, igniting intense backlash from residents and businesses.  Homelessness and the lack of affordable housing that's helping to drive it have become key issues for many voters.  The case, Grants Pass v. Johnson, could have dramatic implications for the record number of people living in tents and cars across the United States.

New Laws in 2024


A new set of state laws, including gun control, book bans, minimum wage, and gender transition care went into effect as the calendar flipped to 2024.  A growing number of states will require financial literacy courses in high schools, while a handful of others will add access to contraceptives by eliminating the need for physician prescriptions.  As state legislatures brace for another year of proposals broaching the country’s most divisive issues, here are some of the laws that will make it into reality in 2024.

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