Judges Taking Bribes via Money Laundering: An Epidemic Worse than COVID-19
In what is being called the largest single day of clemency, President Biden commuted 1500 sentences, including the lengthy sentence of a Pennsylvania judge. Michael Conahan was convicted of funneling juveniles to for-profit detention facilities in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks, in what came to be nationally known as the “Kids for Cash” scandal.
The implications of this need to be further examined. Biden has been quoted as saying “America was built on the promise of possibility and second chances.” He went on to state that “I have the great privilege of extending mercy to people who have demonstrated remorse and rehabilitation, restoring opportunity for Americans to participate in daily life and contribute to their communities.”
It appears, however, that there is more to this story than a scummy judge getting caught and rehabilitated and subsequently set free. Research indicates that somewhere in the range of ⅔ of the judges already checked have financial profiles that are redolent of money laundering and bribe taking.
Let that sink in. A full ⅔ of sitting judges, both state and federal, have been confirmed as on the take. And given that the research involves only those partaking of the mortgage scam (more on this in a moment) and excludes other vehicles for bribing a judge, these numbers need to be seen as deeply conservative.
The mortgage scam works in this way—Judge X takes out a loan and Y pays it back. This has the patina of respectability and it is only by doing a deep dive into the judge’s finances, such as was done here and again here that one begins to see the pervasiveness of this vehicle for enriching pivotal members of the legal system. Also, this method runs a detour around the IRS mandate that any deposit of over $10,000 must of necessity be flagged and reported up the line of command.
Multiple individuals have attempted to turn the results of these investigations over to the FBI, which refuses to take this on. Several years ago, a veterans group contacted the US attorney in the state of Washington with the results of a similar investigation and when the US attorney failed to act, the group turned the research process on the US attorney herself, with dramatic results.
Jim Jordan’s subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government was contacted by this reporter with details as to the weaponization of the courts. While those who answered at that subcommittee were exquisitely polite, there was no follow up on the allegations. The subcommittee was also contacted for input on this article. At the time of going to press, there was no response.
There exist other vehicles for funneling money to a complicit judge. When the judges in Nevada got national attention, due to the prosecution of an officer of the court, guardian April Parks, this reporter began to look at the involved judges.
Once again, two out of three involved judges had problematic mortgage histories. However, one of the worst offenders (in terms of his decisions impacting guardianship) looked to be clean, financially. Input from another reporter that this court heavyweight was using casinos to launder his ill-gotten gains was unverifiable.
When Arizona legislator Liz Harris sponsored a talk by researcher Jaqueline Breger, which extensively revealed the use of mortgages to pay off complicit politicos, the retaliation against Harris was swift and severe. Harris was expelled from the Legislature. While this reporter does not endorse some of Breger’s claims, such as her claim that the Mexican cartels are paying these bribes, much of Breger’s research concerning the mortgage scam appears to be valid.
To be clear, the mortgage scam is only one vehicle for funneling money to complicit politicos, though at 60+% involvement, it may qualify as a preferred vehicle. Retired Illinois attorney Ken Ditkowsky has this to say about other vehicles for funneling dirty money:
1) Direct payment to the Judge or his/her bagman
2) Payment to a family member or nominee – this can be direct or via a no work job. Hiring the Judge’s wife as an employee is a common tactic. (Note by JCP—or hiring the President’s son)
3) Purchase of goods or services from a facility that would benefit the judge. Mrs. Holtzer was an insurance agent. The target to obtain a favorable judgment merely had to purchase a life insurance policy from Mrs. Holtzer.
As the Department of the Treasury became more sophisticated the quid pro quo became more subtle. You are aware to the payments by the person bribing the public official to a creditor of the Judge, and its various variations, but the variations on this theme can become quite sophisticated. One of the most common is granting the Judge or a nominee participation rights in a project or business. Nomination of the Judge or his nominee to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of a corporation provides a no-work scenario. The variations on this theme include:
1. Purchase of equity interest at a very discounted price
2. Gifts or purchases of “rights” and/or stock options
3. Opportunity to purchase negotiable Bonds or other securities at discounted prices.
4. Grants/purchases/options to purchase et al of interests in limited partnerships etc. (Nursing home interests are a common commodity.)
An almost foolproof scenario is the “stock tip.” The person seeking to bribe the public official is engaged in a transaction to acquire XYZ corporation. XYZ is a closely held company traded on a stock exchange. The judge with prior disclosed knowledge either in his own name or in the name of a nominee either purchases or sells openly and notoriously the stock.
Participation in various transactions such as mortgage foreclosures is yet another avenue. The Sallas case is an illustration of the same. Lot 6 (the Sallas home) is forced into a default. A Bank favorable loan (such as a commercial loan) is forced upon the victim. The Guardian obtains control over the family funds and creates a default. The default results in a mortgage foreclosure before a favorable judge. (This favorable judge’s participation will not appear anywhere until the final transaction)
The judge (or judges involved) for their part makes it possible so that the mortgage slips through without a hitch. In the event of protest or any law enforcement interest, the plaintiff in the foreclosure action creates the façade of the sale of defaulted note and the corrupt judge allows the sham note assignee to proceed as if it was the original note holder. (For instance, in the Sallas case a “judgment” not referred to commercial loan document suddenly appeared in the calculation of the balance due. The fact that this judgment is obviously a sham – is irrelevant. Ditto is the fact that the loan transaction in the Sallas case was a criminal act see 755 ILCS 5/11a – 22 and 720 ILCS 5/17 – 56.
A decree of foreclosure is entered – all defenses are ignored as per the extracurricular agreement, and the property is sold to another nominee. The new nominee now promulgates a series of mesne sales until Chicago Title and Trust will feel comfortable in granting a marketable title. When this occurs a group of investors (now including the judges who are to receive remuneration) is formed and the real estate is sold. Out of the profits, the judges are given their compensation for services rendered. Capital gain taxes are paid.
There are variations on the theme. These, however, are the most common.
Back to the implications of President Biden granting clemency to a dirty judge—the Fish Who Got Caught. If indeed the judiciary, which is the third branch of government, has been compromised through a pay-off scam in order to secure politically preferable results, what does this say about the other two branches? Are they in the dark or are they also on board?
According to its definition, the judiciary is the branch of government charged with the interpretation of laws and the administration of justice. Judges enjoy immunity from prosecution and behave as if they are kings and those appearing in front of them are simply pawns. Generally, judges are not sanctioned for failing to follow the law. If judges are instead tasked with political imperatives, rather than with the administration of justice, do we even have a level playing field at this juncture? Or is it all a big charade?
In an interview last year, Trump’s choice for the new head of the FBI, Kash Patel, referred to judges as “political terrorists.” As the country transitions to a new administration, we will soon see if these perceptions are backed up by action.
Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet "jumped ship" and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE, and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan and Twitter @JanetPhelan14. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.
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