
Unsurprisingly for me, but perhaps surprisingly for others, Judge Jackson has violated 18 U.S. Code § 4 and by doing so has become a felon.  It may seem unbelievable that such an allegation can be true, but it is 100 percent a reality.  Understand that I do not use the term “justice” as part of her title because she is delivering the exact opposite of what I am requesting—and what she is obligated to do under the U.S. Constitution—which is injustice.

By failing to report to federal prosecutors the multitude of crimes that I revealed in this voicemail I left directly with her, she has willfully committed the above crime.  I made the call on October 24, 2024, so she has had well over two months to notify me that some particular arm of the U.S. legal system would be investigating the criminal conduct of more than a dozen federal judges who have also violated the above criminal statute in addition to various other federal criminal laws.

I can only speculate that other judges within the U.S. Supreme Syndicate would similarly not lift a toxic finger to remedy the massive injustice done to me and my family, but if I had to wager, I’d put a million dollars—if the world’s largest crime syndicate hadn’t already stolen it—on my presumption.  Until we wake up as a nation and begin to hold these miscreants accountable at all levels, things will not continue as business as usual.....but will instead steadily worsen.....and we will have nobody else to blame but ourselves.