FAQs for the STLOIYF Referral Program

Q: Why am I given 2 referral links?
A: Giving referrers the ability to send potential customers either to the home page or directly to the order page was done in order to provide flexibility.  These are the only two pages that can "read" the referral code—your email address—within your referral links.

Q: Why is the 2-click referral sharing feature more complicated for Twitter than for Facebook?
A: Facebook has provided a way to pass page links into their "debugger."  Facebook also cleans out the cache on their servers immediately when it should.  Twitter doesn't do any of this, which makes using the 2-click referral feature a 3-click feature (initially).  It also makes updating to the sample tweet slightly more complicated than updating to the sample Facebook post if you choose to keep step with the periodic changes, which are made in order to give you variety.

Q: Can I refer anyone, even someone with whom I want to split the commission?
A: You can refer anyone but for the one exception in the last FAQ below.  The main goal is to spread the word and protect people.....and ultimately fix the wildly corrupt U.S. legal system.  However that happens is irrelevant.

Q: What if I want to prevent commissions from my referrals from going to the person who referred me; is there a way to do this?
A: Yes, simply click a referral link from someone else in any browser in which you've registered into the program—or copy and paste it into the address bar of any such registered browser and hit Enter on a computer or the arrow/Go button on a mobile device, of course.  However, if you don't know anyone else in the program to whom you want referral commissions from you to go, use your own referral link for this process instead, and you will become your own referrer, i.e., you will then be "self-referred."  You can change your referrer at any time, even back to your original referrer, via the appropriate referral link on a registered browser.  Note that referral payments are not recursive as a self-referrer.  You will only receive one commission per sale—either 10%, 15%, or 25%—depending upon whether it came from someone you referred, someone that person referred, or the person that person referred, respectively.

Q: I just got a new mobile phone.  Will the referral program work on it?
A: Yes, all you need to do is visit the referral page (www.stloiyf.com/referral.php) and enter the email address you used when you registered for the program.  This is one reason why joining the referral program is recommended.  It provides a way to propagate the program to new devices.

Q: Since referral "cookies" expire after one year, will I be dropped from the program after one year of joining?
A: The network of referrers is stored on our server and never expires.  If you renew your cookies on a particular browser/device by visiting www.stloiyf.com/referral.php at least once a year or by clicking the link in any of the monthly blog notification emails, the page will stay active.  If you are in the program but cannot access the referral content on that page—because the cookie has expired or you are using a new device as mentioned above—you will still be able to recover the full page and restart the 1-year timer by entering the email address you used when you registered for the program.

Q: Why are there only three referral levels?
A: The goal was to incentivize people to spread the word, not become wealthy.  Additionally, too many tiers would force payouts at each level to become smaller and would also make earnings smaller—and eventually negative.  A balance had to be struck between these opposing factors.

Q: Can I have more than one referrer?
A: If you have more than one device or browser, it is possible for you to have a different referrer on each one; however, if you are also registered in the program on each one and make a future purchase from one of them, whatever referrer you have on that device/browser will be synchronized with whatever is on the server so that a maximum of three total payments are made.  Whoever is the referrer of record on the server controls to whom payments are made.

Q: Can I join the program using more than one email address if I have more than one PayPal account?
A: Yes, as the converse of the previous question, you can register more than one email address in the program if you have multiple PayPal accounts.  One way to do this would be to make two separate purchases and to register in the referral program for each purchase using a different email address that is associated with a unique PayPal account.  For example, you might want to do this if you want to separate the income from each potential stream.

Q: Is there any limit on referral earnings?
A: No, there is no dollar limit on these earnings.

Q: Can I be paid any other way besides PayPal?
A: As of now, payments are only being made through PayPal.  That may change in the future, but is still to be determined.

Q: Can I refer the person who referred me?
A: No, cross-referring is not allowed.